Last year, for the first time, we invited tenders for our newly conceived start-up financing called Get Going! Now, for the second time, the jury has decided which four recipients will receive 25,000 Swiss francs each for their creative projects. As director, I am, of course, not involved in the decision. But I cannot underline enough how extraordinarily happy I am with the jury’s decision:
Anna Gosteli
I’ve been following her career for a long time. A young woman who dares to step out of the shadow of her side-women role to confidently start her own thing. Anna no longer wants to test her music – as she says herself – „in a protected setting“, but rather seeks the public and thus her own audience with her solo projects.
Wild, creative, exuberant. As a performer practically a „Gesamtkunstwerk“. The Get Going! contribution comes at exactly the right moment to give a promising career the necessary kick.
Michel Barengo
For me, it is a prime example of an artist who refuses to accept any comfort zones that might be offered. In his search for new perspectives, he wants to push open boundaries and get involved with the unknown. I can only say: Get going, Michel!
Félix Bergeron / Jérémie Zwahlen
To question seemingly irrevocable traditions in order to breathe new life into them and reformulate them for the future, even if the goal is far from being defined. Bergeron/Zwahlen do exactly that. That’s why we created Get Going!: to invest in a hopeful future – without knowing where the path leads us.
Departure into the unknown
The idea of Get Going! is based on the philosophy of „making possible“. The departure into the unknown is one of the most exciting approaches in the promotion of culture. The four recipients underline this in an exemplary way for me.
But we must also praise the jury, which had to look through 125 submitted ideas without any orientation aids such as budget, finances or scheduling. In the case of Get Going!, the jury focuses solely on the artistic content and the expressed vision.
During the decision-making process, it is never easy for the jury to reject projects that deserve to be developed further. Especially because the submissions in their entirety reflect the incredibly diverse creative potential of the national music scene.
That’s why I’d like to say: Get Going! will be back next year. The announcement will take place in summer 2020.
And last but not least I wish Anna Gosteli, Jessiquoi, Michel Bergeron as well as the duo Félix Bergeron and Jérémie Zwahlen much success and perseverance on their ambitious paths…
Anna Gosteli »
Jessiquoi »
Michel Bergeron »
Félix Bergeron / Jérémie Zwahlen »
PS: The artist portraits for Get Going! 2018 can be found here:
Bertrand Denzler »
Eclecta »
Michael Künstle »
Beat Gysin »
In the early months of 2020, we will also be portraying the current recipients in detail.